January 2024
The ProCESS network of trainers in SES (Sensorial, Emotional, Spiritual) Skills was launched in September 2023. The network is formed by SESS trainers that were certified during the SESS training sessions developed by the four ProCESS HEI partners (Lyon Catholic University, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Jamk university of applied sciences, RISEBA university of applied sciences). The training sessions were implemented between January and June 2023. The network includes more than 30 SES Skills’ experts from four European countries (France, Finland, Latvia, Romania) and aims to create a positive dynamic in the field that will facilitate easy access to specific services and support sustainable growth of the group. The SESS trainers can provide specific services to interested parties (companies, public institutions, HEIs etc.) based on their SESS training areas in order to implement ProCESS methodology. This innovative methodology helps organizations move away from traditional rational decision-taking towards learning organizations that solve problems through interconnected, self-organizing processes utilizing sensorial, emotional, and spiritual skills, alongside rational analysis.

Catalog of SESS trainers
Two tools were created that aid the network in promoting the services of the trainers in SES Skills:
- a catalogue of SESS trainers, which includes information on all trainers who have been certified as part of ProCESS training program. The catalog is accessible on the ProCESS website.
- the SESS trainers network webplatform where the trainers in SES Skills are invited to join and create their own promotion page that integrates a short biography, SESS training areas, portfolio and contact information. The web platform also integrates a blog page for SESS trainers to share information, articles and events in the field.
Christophe PONS, Project Coordinator
Lyon Catholic University, Lyon, France
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