Processing Complexity with Emotional, Sensorial and Spiritual capacities

Complex management cases

During ProCESS implementation 12 complex management cases are proposed by the company partners. These cases are analyzed and solved through the ProCESS methodology by groups of international students from the four participating Higher Education Institutions

Complex Management Cases Studies

During the three-year implementation of ProCESS, a set of 12 complex management case studies are developed and proposed to the students for solving. The cases are developed in collaboration with the partner companies: Sanofi, De KLAUSEN, Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen and Latvijas Pasts. A total of 185 students participated in three training rounds from all partner universities. A part of this process, dedicated training sessions – SESS workshops and winter schools are organized, these activities prepare the students for using the innovative ProCESS methodology in finding solutions to the proposed complex management cases.

First round of the complex management cases

The first training round was organized in the second part of 2021 covering the autumn semester in the partner universities. The round comprised from 4 complex management cases proposed by the partner companies. The case studies were presented to 16 student teams (64 students) from all participating HEIs and were solved in close collaboration with the academic and companies coaches.

Sanofi is one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical market. With a presence in 90 countries and 100,000 employees, the company had sales of €36 billion in 2020, of which €5.5 billion were invested in R&D. 500 Million people are protected every year with a vaccine from Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine division. The case study proposed by Sanofi addresses the challenge of increasing Flu vaccines coverage rate. The objective is to have all different Health Care Professionnals working together for the patient benefit. The students should analyze what information to share, when, how?; what innovative communication tools, or way of working could be created/used among professionnals, patients and caregivers?. The results of the study aim to contribute to a better level of collective protection that limits the circulation of influenza viruses and at the same time support the Health Authorities to control winter epidemics.

De KLAUSEN is a business growth consulting company that uses intensive consulting, training and coaching techniques for this purpose. The company’s clients are both multinational and Romanian entrepreneurial companies, especially of medium size. A challenging project is to increase by 25% per year the business of the Romanian company KLAUS-ELGEX, Cluj-Napoca, a company with 125 employees and a turnover of over €23 million. KLAUS-ELGEX is one of the national leaders in electrical solutions and equipment, industrial automation systems, electric drives and lighting systems. It should be noted that in the last 4 years (2017-2020) turnover, profit and productivity of labour have stagnated. The health crisis of 2020 brought new challenges for KLAUS-ELGEX due in particular to the impossibility of face-to-face communication. As a general business context, the main challenge and at the same time the future solution is digitization, noticeably the digitization of sales. ProCESS project will help in this regard by searching and finding the most valuable solutions in order to increase the efficiency of the company in the digital area.

Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen is a Finnish communications and media corporation having a history back to 150 years ago. Due to the company’s growth, it is nowadays a major provider of printed and digital newspapers, digital advertising, research services, marketing and communications services, graphic production together with printing and distribution services. The company has a new strategy called #renewingtogether 2022, which highlights customer-centric operations and functions that support locality and are renewable. However, the company faces great challenges related to overall change in consumer buying behavior and media usage, the impact of the future generations on consumer behaviour, and different regulations and policies regarding privacy and targeting. The ProCESS project will tackle these complex challenges bringing together Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen and the four universities.

Latvijas Pasts is the largest postal service provider in Latvia, its main activities are traditional postal services as well as express mail, delivery of subscribed publications and unaddressed advertising, retail of goods and press, financial services, freight forwarding, philatelic services, etc. The total revenue for the latest accounting period was 93.1 million euros and the profits were 2.3 million euros. The case study proposed by Latvia’s Pasts focuses on developing new solutions that facilitate the transition from a classical bureaucratic management (processes, orders, traditions, etc.) to a result-oriented management style (where, for example, KPIs are defined, customer satisfaction is measured, values are defined, etc.). The analysis aims to find solutions on how to vitalize the company values developed in 2017.  The challenge is to assess the values and develop a strategy to turn the values into a living mindset contributing to organizational effectiveness and success.

The activity on the projects started with a kick-off meeting (Enterprise Meeting) organized by all participating companies in hybrid mode in October 2021. During these meetings the company coach and company experts presented the case study to the participant students. All teams had the opportunity to discuss with the company representatives about the topic and collect information that help them in solving the company case.

The students advance in solving the proposed case study was supported by a set of six SESS Workshops (2 sensorial, 2 emotional, and 2 spiritual), organized by each partner university with the participation of all involved students, during October – December 2021. The SESS trainers coordinated the workshops activities, in the presence of Company and Academic Coaches.

The final presentations of the students results were presented during the 1st ProCESS Winter School that was organized by JAMK University of Applied Sciences (P2). The event took place during 24-27 January 2022. After the presentations, the company and academic coaches analyzed the results and gave feedback on the students’ activity.  

Second round of the complex management cases

The second complex cases round was organized during autumn semester of 2022 in all partner universities. The second round comprised also from 4 complex management cases proposed by the project partner companies. For solving the case studies, 16 student teams (64 students) from all participating HEIs were involved. All teams worked in close collaboration with the academic and companies coaches.

The kick-off meeting (Enterprise Meeting), in all 4 complex management cases, were organized by all participating companies in hybrid mode in October 2022. During these meetings the company coach and company experts presented the case study to the participant students. All teams had the opportunity to discuss with the company representatives about the topic and collect information that help them in solving the company case.

During October – December 2022 all participant students in complex management cases participated in a set of six SESS Workshops (2 sensorial, 2 emotional, and 2 spiritual). The workshops organized by each partner university and the SESS trainers coordinated the workshops activities, in the presence of Company and Academic Coaches.

The final presentations of the students results were presented during the 2nd  ProCESS Winter School that was organized by RISEBA University of Applied Sciences. The event took place during 23-26 January 2023. After the students presentations, the company and academic coaches analyzed the results and gave feedback on the students’ activity.  

Third round of the complex management cases

The third complex cases round was organized during autumn semester of 2023 in all partner universities. The third round comprised also from 4 complex management cases proposed by the project partner companies. For solving the case studies, 16 student teams from all participating HEIs were involved. All teams worked in close collaboration with the academic and companies coaches.

The kick-off meeting (Enterprise Meeting), in all 4 complex management cases, were organized by all participating companies in hybrid mode in October 2023. During these meetings the company coach and company experts presented the case study to the participant students. All teams had the opportunity to discuss with the company representatives about the topic and collect information that help them in solving the company case.

During October – December 2023 all participant students in complex management cases participated in a set of six SESS Workshops (2 sensorial, 2 emotional, and 2 spiritual). The workshops organized by each partner university and the SESS trainers coordinated the workshops activities, in the presence of Company and Academic Coaches.

The final presentations of the students results were presented during the 3rd ProCESS Winter School that was organized by Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. The event took place during 22-25 January 2024. After the students presentations, the company and academic coaches analyzed the results and gave feedback on the students’ activity.