March 2022
During ProCESS Project implementation a set of 12 complex management case studies are developed (in 3 rounds) and proposed to the students for solving. The participating students are encouraged to alternate sequences of mobilization of Sensory, Emotional, and Spiritual (SES) intelligences, in addition to rational capacities to find solutions to the proposed topics. In the first training round, the first four case studies are developed in collaboration with the ProCESS partner companies: Sanofi, De KLAUSEN, Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen and Latvijas Pasts.
The Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen is a Finnish a major provider of printed and digital newspapers, digital advertising, research services, marketing and communications services, graphic production together with printing and distribution services. The company has a new strategy called #renewingtogether 2022, which highlights customer-centric operations and functions that support locality and are renewable. However, the company faces great challenges related to overall change in consumer buying behavior and media usage, the impact of the future generations on consumer behavior, and different regulations and policies regarding privacy and targeting. In this context, the proposed case study will tackle these complex challenges bringing together Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen and the four universities.

Keskisuomalainen Enterprise Meeting
For solving the case study, a number of 16 students were selected (four student teams) from each ProCESS partner universities in September 2021. The activity on the projects started with a kick-off meeting – Keskisuomalainen Enterprise Meeting that was organized on the 5th and 6th of October in Keskisuomalainen’s premises in Jyväskylä. The Enterprise Meeting included face to face activities at the Keskisuomalainen quarters (attended by all students from JAMK and one representant student from each partner university – UCLy, RISEBA and TUCN) and online activities with the other participant students from partner universities. During these meetings the company coach and company experts presented the case study to the participant students. All teams had the opportunity to discuss with the company representatives about the topic, collect information and ask questions they thought will help them in solving the complex problem proposed by the company case.

SESS Workshops
After the enterprise meeting, all students evaluated their SES Skills using a set of questionnaires developed by PerformanSe, partner company in ProCESS Project. After this evaluation, all participating teams developed a synthesis report about the company and the issues raised by the complex management case, coached by academic and company coaches.
The students advance in solving the Keskisuomalainen case study was supported by a set of six SESS Workshops (2 sensorial, 2 emotional, and 2 spiritual), organized by each partner university with the participation of all involved students, during October – December 2021. The SESS trainers coordinated the workshops activities, in the presence of both Company and Academic Coaches. After the third and the sixth workshops the students’ SES Skills were reevaluated.
As part of solving the complex management case, each student team developed an interim report. The report was presented to the academic and company coaches after the 3rd workshops, during this hybrid meeting their ideas were analyzed and they received feedback. The final results obtained by each student teams were presented in the Final Reports on Keskisuomalainen company case.
The final presentations of the students’ results in the complex management cases were presented during the 1st ProCESS Winter School that was organized by JAMK University of Applied Sciences. The event took place during 24-27 January 2022. At the event, all sixteen students from the four teams that participated in the Keskisuomalainen case study, the Academic Coaches, and the Company Coaches participated. After the presentations, the Company and Academic Coaches analyzed the results and gave feedback on the students’ activity and received a certificate for their implication in the ProCESS Project. Beside the final presentations, during the 1st ProCESS Winter School, other activities were also organized: interviews of students, Academic and Company Coaches conducted by partners from PerformanSE, “Complexity Sonaatti” webinar coordinated by JAMK SESS trainers, focus group with academic coaches, presentation of Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen and free-time activities.

Final Presentations at 1st ProCESS Winter School organized by JAMK
The collected feedback from the participating students together with the results of the SES Skills evaluations during the project implementation showed an increase in understanding and implementation of the students Sensory, Emotional, and Spiritual capabilities for solving complex management cases. The company representatives also gave positive feedback on the students’ results for the proposed study case.
Christophe PONS, Project Coordinator
Lyon Catholic University, Lyon, France
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