The 2nd ProCESS Winter School was organized by RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology from Jan 23 to Jan 26, 2023. The event marked the successful end of the second round of implementation of the complex management cases for students. The four managerial cases provided by partner companies Sanofi (France), De KLAUSEN (Romania), Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen (Finland) and Latvijas Pasts (Latvia) were analyzed by a number of 64 students from the partner universities. The activity of solving the case studies included the generation of innovative solutions through the use of SES (sensory, emotional and spiritual) skills, developed within the project through workshops and periodically evaluated by the partner company PerformanSe (France).
Day 1 – the official opening of the winter school and student’s interviews

On the first day the program of the winter school included the official opening, interviews with participants involved in the project and relaxation activities that stimulate creativity – biodanza for students and intuitive painting for teaching staff.
Day 1 – biodanza activities for students

Day 1 – Intuitive painting for teaching staff

In addition to interviews with the participants in the project, the program of the winter school during the second and third day included presentations from all 16 student teams of their reports on proposed solutions and action plans developed during the autumn semester 2022-2023. After the students presentations the coaches who coordinated the students’ activity provided feedback (four academic coaches from the partner universities and four coaches from the partner companies).
Day 2 – Presentation of solutions and feedback for students involved in solving the SANOFI (France) and KESKI (Finland) cases

Day 3 – Presentation of solutions and feedback for students involved in solving the KLAUS (Romania) and the Latvijas Pasts (Latvia) cases

During the last day of the winter school a multiplier event was organized and all participant students received a participation Certificate. The event ended with a celebration party.