The first ProCESS project’s Winter School will be held from Jan 24 to Jan 27, 2022 and will be attended by all 16 student teams, Academic Coaches, and Company Coaches of four business challenges and Project Managers of universities and companies from all four project’s partner countries, totally about 90 participants. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this event will be organized in hybrid.
At the Winter School, student teams present their final reports which are evaluated by Academic Coaches. That is the end of the ProCESS project first round. In the Winter School program, there are also welcome speeches of directors of JAMK´s School of Business and School of Technology, presentation of Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen, interviews of students, Academic and Company Coaches, “Complexity Sonaatti” webinar, and free-time activities.
A winter school is an international and rewarding way to provide valuable experience and information to all participants.