Press release – ProCESS network of trainers in SES Skills

January 2024 The ProCESS network of trainers in SES (Sensorial, Emotional, Spiritual) Skills was launched in September 2023. The network is formed by SESS trainers that were certified during the SESS training sessions developed by the four ProCESS HEI partners (Lyon Catholic University, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Jamk university of applied sciences, RISEBA university …

Press release – ProCESS training rounds

July 2023 ProCESS Project developed an original and innovative methodology to deal with complex management issues through alternating sequences of mobilization of Sensory, Emotional, and Spiritual capacities (SES Skills), in addition to rational capacities. The proposed techniques help companies move away from traditional rational decision-taking towards learning organizations that solve problems through interconnected, self-organizing processes …