A set of 72 SESS workshops are organized as part of the complex management cases implementation process. During each project round 6 workshops (2 sensorial, 2 emotional, 2 spiritual) are prepared by the SESS trainers in each university.
SESS Workshops
During the ProCESS implementation a set of 72 SESS workshops are organized. These events are part of the complex management cases implementation process and during each project round a set of 6 workshops (2 sensorial, 2 emotional, and 2 spiritual) are conducted in each university. The workshops are organized by the SESS trainers, in the presence of both company and academic coaches. After each workshop, students advance their work on the case analysis.
SESS Workshops – First Round
The first SESS Workshop round was organized during October – December 2021 as part of the first training round of the complex management cases. The events were organized in each partner HEIs and were coordinated by the local SESS trainers.
Agenda of the workshops
At these events all 64 students that were involved in the first training round of the complex management cases participated. The events helped them to mobilize their SES Skills in order to solve the case studies proposed by the company partners.
SESS Workshops – Second Round
The second SESS Workshop round was organized during October – December 2022 as part of the second training round of the complex management cases. The events were organized in each partner HEIs and were coordinated by the local SESS trainers.
Agenda of the workshops
The participants in the workshops where the 64 students that were involved in the second training round of the complex management cases. The role of the workshops was to help students to mobilize their SES Skills in order to solve the case studies proposed by the company partners.
SESS Workshops – Third Round
The third SESS Workshop round was organized during October – December 2023 as part of the third training round of the complex management cases. The workshops were organized by each HEI partner and were coordinated by the local SESS trainers.
Agenda of the workshops

The participants in the workshops where the students that were involved in the third training round of the complex management cases. The activitity during the workshops helped students to mobilize their SES Skills in order to solve the case studies proposed by the company partners.