ProCESS Project develops an innovative methodology [ProCESS methodology] to deal with complex management cases through alternating sequences of mobilization of Sensory, Emotional, and Spiritual (SES) intelligences, in addition to rational capacities. This methodology is used to train the future businesspeople or managers in an organized framework under supervision of academic coaches and a SESS trainers network.

During ProCESS implementation 12 complex management cases from participating companies (Sanofi, De KLAUSEN, Keskisuomalainen and Latvijas Pasts) in four different countries are developed. These real-life cases form the core of the project because the development and testing of ProCESS method and ProCESS training modules happens by analyzing the company cases. This part of the project will be prepared by company coaches, academic coaches and PerformanSe. Its main outputs are the protocol for the case analysis and the 12 company cases.

The proposed complex management cases are analyzed and solved through the ProCESS Methodology by groups of international students from all 4 participating HEIs. During the three-year implementation 192 students participate in three training rounds. Here, students learn to better feel and sense complex situations (and not only understand) and dare to “step out of the box” to solve them. As part of the process the students will start their work with and Enterprise meeting at the companies head-quarters that proposed the project. In each training round, 6 workshops (2 sensorial, 2 emotional, and 2 spiritual) are conducted (72 SESS workshops in total) by the SESS trainers, in the presence of both company and academic coaches. After each workshop, students will advance their work on the analysis. The students write a final report (action plan) which they present at the winter school (mobility #2) => 16 action plans each year (48 over 3 years).

The partner HEIs organize a set of 20 pilot training sessions for candidate SESS trainers. During these training rounds new experts are trained to implement the ProCESS methodology and putting them into a ProCESS teaching situation. The session will end with a test where the candidate SESS trainers will be asked to facilitate a training session using either sensorial, emotional, or spiritual inputs or combining them. The training session will be evaluated by the academic coaches and the participants. Those who pass the test will be certified as SESS trainers.